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Forum de Estudantes de Biologia da Universidade do Porto

    [BM] Stem Cells Replace Dead Brain Tissue Stroke-Victim Rats


    Número de Mensagens : 20871

    [BM] Stem Cells Replace Dead Brain Tissue Stroke-Victim Rats Empty [BM] Stem Cells Replace Dead Brain Tissue Stroke-Victim Rats

    Mensagem por Romana

    A "cure" for strokes may soon be a simple as growing new brain tissue

    An intriguing new study reiterates the promise that stem cells hold for curing many diseases.
    Stem cells in the human body can be transformed into a variety of types
    of cells, depending on what biologic agents they're exposed to.
    Initially, stem cells were the subject of much more debate as they were
    harvested from fetuses, but now scientists are beginning to produce
    them in the lab by transforming patients' normal tissue cells into stem cells.

    In the recent study, a team led by Dr. Mike Modo of the Institute of
    Psychiatry, King's College London investigated replacing stroke-damaged
    tissue in rats with new tissue from stem cells. Strokes, caused by
    blockages in brain blood vessels lead to dead areas of brain tissue.
    Past studies have looked at replacing this dead tissue with stem cells,
    which would grow into new brain tissue. However, they have met with
    little success.

    The new study, though, shows such growth is possible; the cells just
    need a scaffolding to grow. In past studies, the cells migrated to
    other areas of the brain, making them essentially useless in fixing the
    problem. In the new study researchers attach them to a tiny scaffold
    made of a biodegradable polymer called PLGA, and coated this
    scaffolding in neural stem cells. The result is that the damaged brain
    tissue is regrown successfully in just 7 days. The technique has a strong likelihood of being able to be applied in humans.

    States Dr. Modo, "We would expect to see a much better improvement in
    the outcome after a stroke if we can fully replace the lost brain
    tissue, and that is what we have been able to do with our technique.
    This works really well because the stem cell-loaded PLGA particles can
    be injected through a very fine needle and then adopt the precise shape
    of the cavity.”

    “In this process the cells fill the
    cavity and can make connections with other cells, which helps to
    establish the tissue. Over a few days we can see cells migrating along
    the scaffold particles and forming a primitive brain tissue that
    interacts with the host brain. Gradually the particles biodegrade
    leaving more gaps and conduits for tissue, fibres and blood vessels to
    move into," Dr. Modo continued.

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans are used in the study to locate
    the damaged tissue and the optimal injection site for the
    scaffolding/stem cell mix. Subsequent MRI scans track the development
    of the brain tissue.

    The researchers' next step will be to permeate the growing tissue with
    VEGF, a factor which promotes blood vessels to permeate a tissue. This
    will help bring blood flow to the developing brain mass, keeping it

    Professor Douglas Kell, chief executive of the Biotechnology and
    Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) which funded the project,
    states, "Stroke is a leading cause of disability in industrialised
    countries. It is reassuring to know that the technology for treating
    stroke by repairing brain damage is getting ever closer to translation
    into the clinic. This crucial groundwork by Dr Modo and his colleagues
    will surely be a solid foundation of basic research for much better
    treatments in the future."

    Joe Korner, Director of Communications at The Stroke Association (UK)
    adds, "This research is another step towards using stem cell therapy in
    treating and reversing the brain damage caused by stroke. It is
    exciting because researchers have shown they are able to overcome some
    of the many challenges in translating the potential of using stem cells
    into reality. The potential to reverse the disabling effects of stroke
    seems to have been proved. However the development of stem cell therapy
    for stroke survivors is still in the early stages and much more
    research will be needed before it can be tested in humans or used in
    practice. Every five minutes someone in the UK has a stroke and it is
    vital that we do all we can to help those affected by stroke."

    The new research is published in the journal Biomaterials.
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