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Forum de Estudantes de Biologia da Universidade do Porto

    Source of wisdom in the human brain


    Número de Mensagens : 1473

    Source of wisdom in the human brain Empty Source of wisdom in the human brain

    Mensagem por bruniliana

    Scientists 'discover' source of wisdom in the human brain

    Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated at 3:28 PM on 05th April 2009

    «Scientists have discovered the source of wisdom in the human brain, it was revealed today.
    have pinpointed the part of the brain that guides people when they are
    battling with difficult moral dilemmas, according to a study.
    brain scans show that the response is linked to certain areas usually
    associated with primitive emotions of sex, fear and anger.
    The findings, revealed by the Observer, are to be published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.They are a significant departure into an area of expertise that has long been regarded as one of religion and philosophy.
    Study author Dilip Jeste, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the University of
    California in San Diego, said: 'Our research suggests there may be a basis in
    neurobiology for wisdom’s most universal traits.'He
    and colleague Thomas Meeks discovered that a person weighing up an
    issue that just called for an altruistic response used the medial
    prefrontal cortext of the brain.This is linked to intelligence and learning.
    when someone is battling with a moral dilemma, other areas of the brain
    are used such as the parts linked to rational thought and primitive
    Mr Meeks said: 'Several brain regions appear to be involved in different
    components of wisdom. It seems to involve a balance between more primitive brain
    regions, like the limbic system, and the newest ones, such as the prefrontal
    type of research has only become possible in recent years due to
    technological advances in brain scanning, including functional magnetic
    resonance imaging.
    This means experts can examine which parts of the brain that are used when people consider various tasks.

    Such research has been made possible by the increasing sophistication of
    brain scanning techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

    These allow researchers to see which parts of the brain become active when
    people undertake mental tasks.
    Jeste admitted the possibility that wisdom and free will are based on
    the make-up of someone's brain rather than metaphysics is unsettling.
    But he said: 'Knowledge of the
    underlying mechanisms in the brain could potentially lead to developing
    interventions for enhancing wisdom.'»
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    Mensagem Seg 06 Abr 2009, 18:24 por Romana

    Hey! fantastico!
    Realmente o estudo do cerebro está cada vez mais a avançar
    Eu já tinha lido, isto mais na àrea das Ciencias Informáticas, a criação de um dispositivo leitor de ondas cerebrais criado para controlo de sistemas informaticos, e em jogos. Na altura diziam que aquilo poderia ter um alcance "cerebral" superior, e aquele mesmo periférico estava dentro de um outro estudo mais profundo.

    Tinham dito que partes do cerebro primitivas, das que mais desconhecidas eram na altura, estavam a ser estudadas mais ao promenor.

    A ideia era o facto de nunca antes ter sido possivel a criação de um jogo que gera-se emoções como chorar e afins, coisas que filmes faziam.

    Diziam que isto tudo estava também implicito com as capacidades cognitivas a nivel da inteligencia "empirica" do ser humano. Alguns chamam de instinto. Também com a vontade propria do ser humano e da busca do nosso cerebro de capacidades só excercidas quando o sistema se encontrava num stress, tipo num dilema, onde este precisasse da racionalização.

    Gosto muito do estudo cerebral e das capacidades cognitivas Smile

      Data/hora atual: Seg 29 Abr 2024, 07:45